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From iOS 15: So use your Share Play on iPhones and iPads

Share Share Play Your own love series and movies with your family together – you still don’t have to physically engage. In this study you also know that you want to play this game.

In September, iOS 15 was launched without any of the most important features: SharePlay. An updated update in October is the only option for FaceTime for iPhones and iPads. Leader is a feature that is still not compatible with Mac devices – after Apple will be a MacOS Monterey Update SharePlay also in this year on Mac computer.

Apple SharePlay
You can use your SharePlay on iPhone and iPad devices / © Apple

With SharePlay, you can still download Apple TV, Apple Music, Fitness + and other compatible Apps from the App Store. In addition to the common elements, you can also read the details of the conversation, revise the translation, revisit it, reject it and write it down.

Automatically the power of the audiostream. And when you use an Apple TV, you can also share SharePlay on your TV. This feature shows that the video talk will be available on FaceTime.

If it works, share the PlayPlay on the image screen and your iPhones or iPads free. On this day, he was able to talk about the story, and in the past, he was on the screen. It is also known that all persons in the same country find that the services of Apple TV + do not fully function, that the catalog is in the region of different regions.

How do you share SharePlay?

Here’s all the features of SharePlay on a flash!

Share SharePlay features include Apple TV +, Apple Music, Apple Fitness +, Apple Podcast, Disney +, Hulu, HBO Max, Paramount +, Twitch, TikTok, Pluto TV, MasterClass and NBA.

SharePlay’s features include a FaceTime application

SharePlay’s features include a FaceTime application very well. Ich ha die die Funktion vorhin mit meiner Kollegin Johanna getestet, und alles verlief reibungslos. Follow this instruction:

  1. Start a FaceTime entry (over Link or New FaceTime );
  2. If the partisan is active, click on the right of the table of contents to refer to the requirements of My picture screen
  3. On the screen, create a pop-up report, in which the option SharePlay is selected, you can start a joint session. Important : Give information, the information on your picture screen, for all parts are available
  4. Alle talk to all users of the SharePlay application
  5. Now you can read and listen to your comments, listen and comment. With Apple Fitness + Service you can also train and meditate in the group. Namaste!

No test yet: SharePlay can not be used FaceTime Link Announcements are linked, but also people can be found, no Apple devices are available. We know that, in abundance, in the future there is a better compatibility of this function and for dieters, but not for the Apple system. How your streaming content can be found on devices, your article is linked in the linked article! Share us in the comments with!

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