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Telegram Messenger: The Ultimate Guide

Have you just installed Telegram or are you looking for an alternative to WhatsApp? This article includes NextPit everything you need to know about Messenger – from background information and tricks to links to tests, comparisons and tutorials.

What is the Telegram over? Are my messages included in the telegram? What can I send in the message on WhatsApp or Signal? How do Telegram Bots work? NextPit wird I still know all these questions in this ultimate guide to the Messenger Telegram.

What is Telegram

The telegram is a free messaging app, the 2013 of Brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov were found in life. The two had previously founded VKontakte, which could be described as the Russian Facebook. The company housed the Telegram at its seat in Dubai.

The Telegram has a total output of 500 million active users per month. The SEO-blog Backlinko is written:

“25 Millions of new users spend a telegram in a 72-hour session in January 2021. It is about 8.33 million new items per day. And more than 100 million new Use everything in January, the telegram is available. Also, the base of the Telegram is from the beginning of the year 2013, this year is about 40% higher. ”

-Map of messaging applications. The app has a rebellious, system-friendly feature, which is based on its grounds. We are politically opposed to the “Russian Establishment”, it was also in the swiss with the Behörden brachte.

In the fall, the Telegram is more focused on data protection and privacy, and the Messaging application allows you to use the mainstream as a signal and set up a glamorous alternative to the giant WhatsApp gift.

How does the Telegram work?

The Telegram works like a typical messaging app. Your news and other users can be included: Send in groups, chat groups, talk and video broadcasts, date and sticker.

-Options, personalization and also the topic of data termination.

The key telegram is not from a large technical company or GAFAM available, in the context of what we know about Facebook, we are on Facebook. The founder Pavel Durov is still in the end of 2020, the Telegram for the Integration of Advertising and in-app purchases will be monetized for free.

Is the Telegram safe? . The messages in the existing chat rooms are end-to-end or client-client-converter, while normal chats client-server / server-client-client concatenation are exchanged and locked in the telegram cloud.

You can also read more and more. In the Telegram, normal messages between the client and the server are also included on the server, but the conversations are technically available in the cloud.

End-to-end! More of this is still available.

How can I install and install the telegram?

Your telegram can be sent to a smartphone, tablet and watch on account. Telegram has Apps for iOS (9.0 and more), Android (4.1 and more), a native macOS-App as well as a universal Desktop App, Telegram Desktop, for Windows, macOS and Linux. The Telegram can also be used to browse the Ever Conversations.

Here are all the links to download the newest Telegram version:

Do you need a Telegram? Our tips and tricks will help you with your functions, which will be extremely competitive, with very many opportunities. Please note that the Telegram has an official Telegram Tips-Channel with its own tips and tricks.

Do you have a Telegram account? How are you blocking someone and how do you need more accounts? And how do you get overwhelmed with data protection? In the following article we have all tips and tricks as well as the different functions of the Telegram combined.

Telegram: The best tips and tricks for the WhatsApp alternatives

Our tips and tricks for the environment with telegram / © New Africa / Shutterstock.com

Further Telegram Tips

Add new information about the item in a telegram, the various functions of the Messenger in the details of the details:

We will be able to understand this area with separate tutorials, specific questions about the works.

Telegram vs. Signal Vs. WhatsApp: What is the best messaging app?

You can use the various messenger messages to be included in the version of the message, the security and storage of your data and the functions of video surveillance, group management, etc.

NextPit works for new people to complete the complete list, with the help of each of the undertakings between the messengers. In the middle of the day, your attention can be seen on this article, in which case you still have a good basis for what you want to do.

Lest your in our overview articles about WhatsApp alternatives.

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How do you save the Telegram in your message to other Messaging Apps like WhatsApp and Signal ab? / © NextPit

The war with our ultimate Messenger Telegram Guide. How nice are you? Also, we do not have a day of work, and we will be able to update and build regular articles – with other offers, tutorials, tests and references, which we will allow in the short term.

Yes. there is a hub for access, a connection, which is all together, was next next to the telegram available. My colleagues at NextPit have excellent transcripts for WhatsApp and Signal vor. Habt Ihr eine spezielle Frage oder einen Wunsch, was Telegram angeht? Please accept and comment on these comments and ideas.

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