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Good Lock for Samsung Galaxy: Like Custom ROM

For a couple of years, Samsung’s Good Lock toolkit on the market is used, and the smartphones can be switched on. NextPit works Euch, you can also download good locks and how many functions are available.

Samsung One UI: 11 Tips and Tricks for Your Galaxy Smartphone

Was Samsung Good Lock

Tools, your Samsung smartphone can be used for new functions and the degree of personalization. The OneUI interface is available with new, optional options – similar to the PowerToys in Windows. App Store – available. Some of the tools can be installed and can also be installed directly from the APK file.

Good Lock 01
Good Lock functions as an extended menu entry

Important: The tools do not work in the control system with a new version of Android or OneUI, so that the system of smartphones can be changed, so the version is a compatible version that can be used.

Samsung has a good lock in only 23 countries available, also available in Germany. Falls are possible, but your geographical location can be added – you can still read more. The Galaxy Store app on the Eurem Smartphone or Tablet, such as the Good Lock App, is available.

Good Lock 02
The Good Lock App is available in other countries

If you don’t have a lot of fun, you can use a VPN service, install the app and install Samsung Geo Store controls. On top of that, you can also use the possible SIM card and download the data from the Galaxy Stores Cache. Then you can choose a country, in good lock you can find it – you know indie or you are also in germany. >

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So installed Your Good Lock Module

When Good Lock is installed, list the app all modules on. These two groups “Unit” and “Family” are divided. The modules of the Module in the Galaxy Store are available through the Antippen of a Module Good Lock, where the Tool is a unique app from the Store downloaded and installed can be. It is possible to determine the degree of adjustment of the module, which must be provided for the application of a system. [P> Install and change the modules is the application of one app, like z. B. Nice Lock, can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Nice Lock is full of advertising, but it can be done by buying the premium version for four Euros.

Nice Lock 01
NiceLock can be installed on the Play Store, set up a lot of ads

So installed Your module over Nice Lock

Nice Lock is a good Lock right, the list of different modules can be seen and can be installed. To install a new program, it is not possible to remove it from the default icon. If you need to install the APKs, then install the tools. Nice Lock selbst bietet auf dieser Seite einen Index an. Alternatively, your installation of the module with the “NiceLock Downloader Companion” -App, installed on the sideload installed must be.

“Good Lock” -Tools

Good Lock lists only the module auf, die mit den Funktionen Eures Samsung Galaxy compatible compatible. The tools that the S-Pen or Curved Display sells are not widely used for non-supported devices. Here you can also find some of the good Lock advertisements available:

  • LockStar – allows you to do so, you need to save the screen, then the position of the widower and the guardian. ändert.
Good Lock Lockstar
Module functions like the OneUI settings screens
  • QuickStar – offers options for changes to Quick Panel outputs. According to the position of the device, the symbols can be configured, the status list of the devices can be determined (ie, the WLAN or the mobile function signal can be selected), or the position of the watch can be changed.
Good Lock Quickstar
With QuickStar you can watch the signals of mobile phone users
  • MultiStar – related tools for multitasking, die z. B. Ermöglichen, fast jede App im Multi-Window oder in einem Pop-up-Fenster zu open, mit der Option, die Status- und Navigationsleiste leuszublende.
  • Clockface – changes the view of the clock on the screen image or the Always-on display, with the possibility, animated GIFs and other images to be viewed.
  • NavStar – changes the symbols of the navigation list on the inner screen of the screens. Diejenigen, die de Gestennavigation verwenden, können die Empfindlichkeit der Funktion od sogar die Breite und Farbe des optionalalen Bereichs, in dem Gesten auzgeführt werden, anpassen.
  • Home Up – defined by the Layout of the start screen of one UI new. Your account may also be included in the list of apps and freelancers and the link with the “Nearby Share” function.
  • NotiStar – Management Management Panel. NotiStar allows you to select more apps in one UI. The tool also supports, relevant instructions for filtering and categorizing and searching.
  • Routines + – for dieines, the automation routines of Bixby are available, this module offers additional functions, rules and actions. Ermöglicht zudem das Teilen von Routinen.
  • Keys Cafe – passes the keyboard, with options for enlarging the keys. Apply the same effects and use the colors.

Good Guardians (formerly Galaxy Labs)

Nice Lock also allows you to add links to the modules of the Good Guardians Utility Suite, which can be used by Galaxy Labs before:

  • File Guardian – possible with Euch, verselylchöste date dates again, backups to create or date files available on smartphone with smartphone.
  • Battery Guardian – recognizes the overwhelming energy consumption of apps and makes it possible to block them.
  • Galaxy App Booster – available optimized app versions on smartphones or tablets;
  • Thermal Guardian – passes the temperature wave for reduced power;
  • Memory Guardian – overhaul and storage, storage space for other applications available.

Find some of the Good Lock features in the different alternative skins again. Dennoch offers the tools for users: Samsung’s Galaxy Devices use a variety of options, and the smartphone experience is still personal and available.

How does the function work in the One UI integrated? When your other Utility Packs are available, please post the NextPit-Community tips in the comments!

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