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How to watch TV on iPad

How to watch TV on iPad

Streaming app for watching TV channels on iPad, for managing IPTV lists and with a digital terrestrial network adapter

Do we travel and want to watch TV to fight boredom? If we have an Apple iPad (of any generation) with us among the devices we brought with us, we can use it as a small “portable TV” with both an Internet connection and special adapters. In this guide, we’ll show you all the methods for watching TV on your iPad via some free apps, and in the final chapter, how to use a small land strike adapter. If you want to take advantage of registered apps and watch TV channels on the iPad, we naturally recommend that you connect to the Internet via a Wi-Fi hotspot or get a bargain for mobile data so you can cover the high data consumption that can accompany TV app usage.
If we are abroad (in the European Union), you can use the VPN application to obtain an Italian IP address and continue watching Italian TV channels.

How to watch TV on iPad

Below we will show you only the methods that allow you to watch digital terrestrial channels so that you can reproduce the operation of normal television.

TV Streaming Application

The first effective method for watching streaming TV channels on the iPad is to install official apps from RAI, Mediaset and other channels so you can watch every show live with an internet connection.

The apps we can install on our iPad are:

    1. RaiPlay
    2. RaiPlay Yoyo
    3. Play a media game
    4. Cartoon

Just launch the app, go to Direct or Live , and select the channel you want to watch live. Access to streaming content is free in all apps, but you may need free accounts to continue watching unlimited.
Other apps for watching the live show can be found in our guide on Mobile TV Watch App .

Leader websites

If you don’t want to install any apps or can’t find the channel you’re looking for in the previous section, you can use the iPad’s built-in web browser and start streaming live directly from it .

Open the iPad browser and enter one of the following web addresses in the address bar at the top:

        1. https://www.raiplay.it/dirette/
        2. https://www.mediasetplay.mediaset.it/diretta
        3. https://www.la7.it/dirette-tv
        4. https://www.paramountnetwork.it/diretta-tv
        5. https://www.paramountnetwork.it/diretta-tv/duizzp/spike
        6. https://tv8.it/streaming.html
        7. https://www.cielotv.it/streaming.html
        8. https://www.tv2000.it/live/

Once the site we are interested in is open, direct channel playback will start automatically; if there are multiple channels, just select the one you want to stream. In this case, too, live broadcasts on all sites are free, and some may require access with a free account to view content without a time limit.
To save sites directly to your iPad at home, visit the live page, press the button to share (the arrow inside the square, present at the top right) and press Add to home the menu that will appear. This way, by clicking on the appropriate icon we create in the iPad house, we will immediately access the live download site so we can speed up access to our favorite channels.
To find other useful links for streaming TV channels, We encourage you to read our Watch TV on Your Computer: All Web Channels guide.

Leader websites

IPTV List Management Application

If you have an IPTV list that includes digital terrestrial channels, you can view it on your iPad by installing the free GSE SMART IPTV app.

To use it, enter the link to the IPTV list we have (usually in M3U8 format), wait for the download and in the list of channels that opens, select the TV channel you want to watch on iPad.
To learn more about this topic, we encourage you to read our guide on how to Download IPTV watch lists for Smart TV, Android Box, Chromecast, etc.

iPad adapter for digital terrestrial

If we are in Italy and want to avoid spending our data offer to watch TV channels, we can use a digital terrestrial adapter like the Geniatech MyGica WiTV (€ 29) on the iPad.

With this device we will be able to see channels transmitted via digital terrestrial route without using the Internet, but using the hertzian signal transmitted with traditional antennas: it will be enough to pull out the small attached antenna, turn on the device, Connect to iPad via Bluetooth and use the appropriate WiTV Viewer app to search for and display TV channels. For the best possible signal, we invite you to scan channels outside or near a window to receive as many channels as possible. Thanks to the included battery, we don’t need dedicated sockets and we can also connect it to a home antenna to watch TV channels on the iPad when we’re close enough to enjoy Bluetooth devices.


What we’ve shown you are all the known methods you can watch TV on iPad in the best quality and for free . At the same time, we can enjoy both TV transmitters and web browser applications, and those with an IPTV list can easily use it on an Apple tablet. If we do not want to use our data connection to watch digital terrestrial channels, we can always use small DVB-T adapters that allow you to view the transmitted signal directly on the iPad even without Internet access.

If you want to watch streaming movies, TV series, or sporting events on our iPad, we encourage you to read our guides on the Free Movie and Streaming App and Live football app.
If we then manage to connect the monitor to Chromecast, we can still stream live streaming to a bigger screen using Google Cast, as already seen in our guide on How to play on TV with iPhone and iPad with Chromecast .

Explore more articles in our categories Internet, technology and again Computers and the Internet.

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