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Android 12: So we need your dynamic background design

This week will be Google Android 12 officially available. With the update comes the new Dynamic Theme feature. This allows you to use the colors of the background image to customize the look of the system and other apps with “Material You” support. I follow them, we like Dynamic Theme on Android 12.

Under the tutorial, you can see how it works, the Dynamic Theme on Android 12 is available and the colors of the operating system and apps are consistently integrated. The following script-based instructions are available with a pixel-handy and can be used by users and users of smartphones. p> The introduction of dynamic themes is very simple and can be found on two of the following: through long tips on the starting screen or on the system settings.

Method 1

Photographic styles - default

Method 2

Photographic styles - default

Photographic styles - Cold

Danach still has a chance to get rid of the background, and the system automatically chooses a color palette. When your colors are automatically configured, you can use the “Background and Style ” image method – with method 1 or 2 – and follow the following instructions. Navigated to the option Background color.

  • If this is an exclamation point, I still see the system as a precondition for painting.

Two tips: Da das dynamische Theme die lebhaftesten Farbtöne des verwendeten Hintergrunds verwendet, kann die The color combination is naturally very interesting, but it is the same. My tip is also, so many wallpapers can be used and painted and tested, and I still have to listen to them.

When did you get the dynamic theme?

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