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WhatsApp: Create stickers – that’s how it works on iOS & Android

While reading the chat with Euren Freunden, you can also individualize the sticky packs, you can still learn a lot of knowledge and knowledge from your sticker. In our research we will also write about Schickt for writing, we will create the stickers for iOS and Android.

WhatsApp works as a preview on Messenger. With over two billion users, it is still the most popular in the world. You can also read, and your chats will also take place with GIFs and stickers. It is possible to choose this sticker, so this is a long way to go.

There is also the possibility of getting your own sticker set up for your own photos. This self-contained sticker offers Euren Chats a very personal, personal note – and yes, they are also lustiger as the set of the bar. In this post we want to see more, as well as your handwriting in the hand with the right stickers. Also post, los geht’s:


  1. Create your own sticker apps via WhatsApp
  2. Sticker apps for iOS and Android: The quality of choice
  3. Introduction: Create sticker

Behold, I still see you stickers created in lightning speed via third-party apps, I’ll quickly refer you to the official WhatsApp channel. The Facebook point of view can be used on its support pages, but also its own apps and a code for Android and iOS are available. There you should then use your stickers and WhatsApp promises that you can create your own sticker app in this way “without much previous developer or coding knowledge.

Thanks to the WhatsApp support APIs and cut-outs, there are also plug-in stickers that can be used, but for the rest of your data, this is a very useful development: to be there. The user-friendly apps and code for mobile operating systems can be found at GitHub, including an offer. The options are right: The picture must have a transparent background, as small as 100 KB and 512 x 512 pixels.

Those who dig deep into the matter enjoy the advantage of being able to bring their very own sticker app to the stores (for iOS, however, you are not allowed to use the sample apps and you have to have your own UI.

The fact that it is so relatively easy to create sticker apps yourself naturally means that there is a real jungle of such applications. A glance at the Google Play Store is available directly, but the offer is:

WhatsApp Sticker Apps Android
Here you are really spoiled for choice / © Google (Screenshot: NextPit)

I still have an iPhone with me for Android-Apps. The jeweils are very important in the construction: your jeweils know how to choose photos and keep them up to date with the right tools, cut and cut the photos. It offers the possibility, premium versions in the app free of charge. These premium versions are also free of charge, but also have optional options.

For this application I have to use “Sticker Maker”, alternatively I have also “Sticker Maker – Poker for WhatsApp Powered”, “Sticker Studio” and “Sticker Maker for WhatsApp”. You are also welcome to try out different apps – there are many well-rated with well over four stars, but sometimes also a lot of advertising.

Those who endure diebu Verbung benefit from other features – for example, “Sticker Maker – Stickers for WhatsApp Stickers” also offers a few filters, as well as a few emojis and words that you can add to your picture. Available from now on: Many features are “Premium”, so this game on the app currently includes a minimum of 12 Euros, 7 Euros per year or 1 Euro per month.

WhatsApp Sticker 1
Anyone who is immune to a lot of advertising can quickly create stickers here / © NextPit

As I said, I have now decided on the sticker maker from “Viko & Co” and for several reasons: The app is free, there is a bearable amount of advertising, you could simply The motives are free and there is a fast buggy app for iOS.

So, then let us know – the application is also available for the Android app, only for iOS and the same features:

WhatsApp Sticker 2
Cut out your motif or cut it out and give it a frame / © NextPit
  1. Download the app and start it
  2. Tip on New sticker pack
  3. Gets a name for the package and the authors and tips on Create
  4. Tip on the completed package, then the first oversight
  5. Chosen by choice of the first field and created a symbol image / icon for your sticker set
  6. Take a photo, look for a picture on your mobile phone or choose “text only”
  7. Cut out your bid (freehand, cut out a circle or square shape, select all or smart select)
  8. Intelligent choices set Euer motif automatically free, with other options only cut out
  9. Optionally selected one text
  10. Optionally selected one frame
  11. Tip on Save
  12. Your country will be back in the overview and know the score 4-11 to 30 times again
  13. Tip on WhatsApp to install
WhatsApp Sticker 3
After adding the stick directly to WhatsApp on / © NextPit

As soon as the instruction is posted, you can complete a set of icons and add stickers. After your eur, your sticker can be connected to WhatsApp, it is automatically available in the chat, and it still clicks on the emoji symbol and allows you to use the sticker option. On top of the list, the available sticker ad sets, then your next one is another creation! Hinweise:

  • Use the best pictures in the background Background, give the results to be free of charge
  • Powerful and somewhat interesting changes, including stickers and different backgrounds in WhatsApp can be ordered
  • You will only be able to see the pictures right now! Also included the photos of the working class: there are some pictures of Promise, logos, etc.

Now about fresh to work with you! Last comments in this comment were created using this sticker with this feature. You can also give us your app tips for making stickers. Oh, and one more thing: Ben recently created a forum thread asking for your favorite sticker packs. Make sure the eyes are still open when your stick is re-installed;)

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