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How to get a free PEC

How to get a free PEC

How to create a free certified email (certified email) or one with a low price

PEC (ie certified e-mail) is an increasingly popular tool for sending and receiving certified e-mail from public administrations, VAT-certified professionals and businesses in general. In fact, it is gradually replacing the old and slow fax machine, which until now was considered the only way to send a document and to ensure that the recipient received it.
allow you to have a free PEC for a limited time , you will be able to receive and send the necessary emails without having to subscribe to a monthly subscription; if your needs dictate that you receive and send a lot of certified emails, it’s definitely worth choosing the service we like best and paying for it so you always have it available.

What is PEC

The operation of the PEC is quite simple, although it could make it difficult for a beginner user at first. In short, the PEC differs from traditional e-mail in its advanced sending and receiving system : each time we send the PEC, a single certificate is created, managed by the mail server and available to both sender and recipient: the former will receive a notification confirming the sending, as well as a notification confirming receipt of the email by the recipient, while the latter will certainly receive an email from that particular person.

Under Italian law, the PEC has the same legal value as a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt., so it can be used instead of the traditional registered postal service to send packages of important documents, contracts, certificates and all other documents required by public administration and private companies.

Precisely for this reason We will need to protect PECs in a much more precise way Avoid excessive communication and posting online compared to a simple e-mail: unauthorized use can lead to very serious legal consequences, as everything we send is certified on our behalf (so we are fully responsible).

PEC is a completely different thing than SPID, which we discussed in our guide How to activate SPID: a complete guide .

Best Free PEC Services

After presenting a small summary of the operation of the PEC, let’s take a look at PEC services that can be used for a limited time for free. Unfortunately, there is currently no 100% free trial, we will have to settle for limited free trial services.

Legal Official Communication of the PEC

The first service we recommend for free PEC is PEC Legalmail, managed by InfoCert.

Once you open the page, click Try for free at the bottom, then you’ll be able to start recording right away, and once activated, we’ll have a 6-month free trial for your service .

By activating the PEC Silver plan, we will receive a PEC 8 GB mailbox, including services related to the security archive, access to the mailbox from Android and iphone, and convenient SMS notifications . At the end of the trial period, the service will cost us € 39 + VAT per year .
If we want to save something, we can also order a plan PEC bronze , available at € 25 + VAT per year (simple PEC 5 GB). If, on the other hand, we want a comprehensive service, we will have to focus on the PEC Gold plan, which costs € 75 + VAT per year (for a full PEC with 15 GB of space, in addition to all the benefits already seen in the Silver Plan ).


PEC Register.it

Another PEC service that can be tested for free for a limited time is Register.it PEC.

To open the site, simply click on the Activate for free for 6 months button in section 2 of Go Agile PEC, then follow all the steps to get our free PEC right away. At the end of the 6-month trial period, we will pay for the selected plan (ie Agile PEC) € 25 + VAT per year , in addition to SMS notification and access services also from Android and iPhone smartphones.

If you need more space when renovating, you can also subscribe to the Single PEC , which allows you to have a 3 or 5 GB PEC mailbox, which allows you to to keep a larger amount of certified email. Depending on the selected capacity, the price of the service also changes: for 3 GB we will have to pay € 1.98 per month + VAT, and for a 5 GB box € 3.44 per month + VAT.

PEC economic services

In this part of the guide, we will show you some PEC services that are so cheap that they can be opened immediately to save a lot during the flight.


If we want to rely on a safe and reliable body, no one beats the PEC offered by Poste Italiane, i.e. PosteCert.

With only 5 € + VAT per year (for private user profile) we will have a full PEC mailbox, with 200 shipments per day, domain @ postecert.it, 100 MB of space and the ability to add additional space at any time (pay 1 € + VAT for every additional 100 MB).

Simple PEC, but ideal for those who want to spend very little and still want to have a PEC for business and government.

Aruba PEC

One of the most reliable PEC services in Italy is Aruba PEC, a well-known company that provides locations, accommodation, etc. at competitive prices.

Currently the best PEC mailbox is for those who want to save but want to have a lot of space and advanced functionality: we will really have a PEC with this (at a price of 5 € + VAT on first renewal, then € 7.9 + VAT per year) 1 GB of space, built-in anti-virus and anti-virus program – spam system, dedicated application Aruba PEC and advanced service for reading electronic invoices.

If we want to increase space and services, instead of the above PEC standard (which we have already shown you), we can focus on the PEC Pro and Premium plans, which prices allow up to 8 GB of archives and SMS notifications.


As we’ve seen, you can also try out PEC services for free, so you can meet an urgent need that needs to be addressed. By taking advantage of two PEC services with a free trial, we will be able to have up to one year of free PEC, after which we will have to decide which service to keep and (inevitably) pay for. If you want to pay right away and keep your PEC for a long time, we advise you to close your eyes to the Aruba PEC , which offers the right amount of space and integrated services at an affordable price.

Do we want to access the PEC from our smartphone or tablet? We invite you to read our guide to the PEC-Certified Mail Access Program for iPhone and Android.
If, on the other hand, we are looking for programs that can be used to manage electronic invoices for free, let’s continue reading our guide to Free and comprehensive electronic invoicing programs .
We received a PEC by regular email and not sure how to open EML files? We addressed this issue in our article How to open EML files in emails .

Also explore more articles in our categories Internet, Technology et Computer and Internet.

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