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Android 12: So the Privacy Dashboard works

In my first edits of Android 12 I have the data protection as well as one of the most important features of a new Google-based operating system. And the transparency in Android 12 is a great role to play, I will be in this article, like my privacy dashboard I need to know.

Privacy Dashboard

Privacy Dashboard
You know how to use your apps / © NextPit

The Privacy Dashboard is a new option, the Android 12 in the system is integrated. Here you can easily read, but apps can be used for information such as camera, location and microphone. On this basis we will be able to see how many of these applications are available. Von diesem Bildschirm aus konnt Ihr auch auch Berechtigungen entziehen.

To do this, simply call up the system settings of Android 12:

  1. Navigate to Option Date Protection
  2. Open the Data protection area
system settings of Android 12
In the settings you have more control over the application, the access rights on handy miss / © NextPit

Under the data protection you can try it again, then apply in the last 24 hours. Properly designed, the system offers for each generation a timetable. On this screen, there is also a link to the authorization services for a service, from data and media to sensors.

On this day, you will be able to create great tips, while applying the resources of your smartphone smartphones. And when a consumption is established, you can make sure of a service. It will also be possible to activate a system function on the quick access list to deactivate it.

Quick access list

Use the microphone and camera to deactivate the high-speed dials / © NextPit

A further optimization of the private sphere is found in the snapshot for system functions in Android 12. In addition to the location, you can also access the camera and the microphone quickly. Follow the information provided by the following:

  • Tip on the left-hand symbol in the lower link of the quick-release button (this letter can be varied by smartphone model)
  • These are the links Location , Microphone and Camera Grip and related to the Bedien Schnelleinstellungen
  • Then click on the optional option, block the block or release
Quick access list

System resource use

System resource use
The access to the camera and microphone will be recorded / © NextPit

In addition to the options available on the 12-page list of users of Android 12, you can also use the system to use the system using the app or camera or handset microphone. Use a service, see the other side. In this fall, the standard symbol is displayed in the control list, which is currently in Android 11, the fall is the same. It is also a bald in a small green point, right in the list of officials. This point is considered to be a function of a system. When the green point is set, follow the following steps:

  • The point is the shape of the symbols for the different function – Camera or Microphone
  • Tip on the Symbol of the Distorted Components and a Pop-up Window is displayed when the application is assigned.
 Distorted Components
One of the best points in the list of beneficiaries is the use of mobile resources Resources / © NextPit

Private Compute Core

According to the latest rumors, we assume that Google could introduce the new Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro models on September 13th – so Android 12 is right before the tour. We know that the sixth generation of the Pixel series with a new and exclusive Google processor is available: the tensor.

(ML) as well as through the integration of Titan-M2 modules guaranteed data protection.

On the software site we have the “Android Private Compute Core” -Technology, the processing of personal data in Android 12 directly in the Handy is available. Damit has a certain partition on the system – similar to the storage of passwords and biometric data – which is concentrated on the data processing from KI and ML functions. Please note that the data on a private site is available and can be used for functions on the system.

Then you can use the features like Live Caption, Smart Replay or Now Playing the total audio, content and speech processing on the device itself. You are isolated from the network, and the privacy of users is protected. You can enjoy your private art and many other things, and your interactions with people, apps and information can be found on your own. When the smartphone information is stored, a personalized account is available, it can be closed, it can be saved. The smartphone also contains some information, which is available for personalized use, in the Eurem Google Account. The information provided on the application list is available – the phone will be switched on, the system will be available for you. External protection of the Private Compute Core is provided and provided for in the Security-Community community. In addition to these functions, you can also directly list the system settings:

  1. Open the system settings
  2. Navigate to Data protection> Private Compute Core
Private Compute Core: When you are always on the phone, you have to provide individual information, you will be able to do this, you will be able to save / © NextPit

Here you can find more information directly on your mobile phone. Dazu gehören z. B. Captions of Videos, Podcasts, Audios and Announcements, as well as actions in the collection with Euren references or lyrics. This menu can also be used to disable keyboard precautions or make sure that the system is stored.

The Privacy Panel and all of these items are currently available in the Beta 4 version of Android 12 (SPB4). .210715.014) on one pixel 3 views. Daher can find some settings or information with the official version of the official version of the new operating system and hang it on from the new smartphone model.

Is there protection against privacy and transparency in the use of operating systems, which is available in the latest Android version?

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