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Video conferencing and others: the best games, effects & co.

The Saur-Gurken-Zeit makes video calls with friends, family and work colleagues just as tough as chewing gum mixed with slump-warm asphalt? We have gathered in the NextPit editorial tips, with the fact that your Eure virtual meetings are over.

We have this article in two parts. In the first part it is free, as your video broadcasts on the declared platforms with backgrounds, effects & co. aufpeppen könnt – by Google Meet über Microsoft Teams bis Zoom. In the second part, there is a daily Casual Games, your family with friends and family or after a holiday together.

Calls up with virtual arms, filters & Co.

Rubens: Snapchat filter in Video chats use

Snapcamera (Download) fresh wind in Eure Videoconferencing. With help for Windows and macOS, the desktop software can also use the Snapchat filter to filter your Webcam image.

The function guide is one of the following: The snap camera captures the signal of your webcam and offers a virtual webcam, which is still available in the video conferencing tool Eurasia. And you can still learn with beauty beauty filters, haircuts and anime looks.

virtual webcam
Snapcamera generated a virtual Webcam, the game as a video in Google Meet & Co. choose out. Wash the wirecast and OBS, only later. / © NextPit

Kleiner Hinweis: After the start of the snap camera, you have to use your video conferencing tool to use your browser, start browsing, and the virtual webcam will be open. Ben: Bringt Euch selbst einen Kaffee!

Surely your own, later your background image at Google Meet, Zoom & Co. change knowledge. At Google Meet, the news also comes with videos and is still possible after a new scrapbook. Bringt Euch is also a good way to get some coffee at the workplace.

Then film your position in this video, but don’t watch it. Wait for a few minutes or seconds and come to a close with a cup of coffee in the picture.

Google Meeet nonsense
Record a video of you walking through the room – and select this as the background for your video call. Confusion among colleagues is guaranteed / © NextPit

The effect works well, the Eure Camera has a very wide view and your table is still there. Go to the top of the piece and put together a picture or run as complete as possible on the background. This video is updated, your uploads are added. The rest of the first colleagues * also have a great deal of knowledge. For my test I have Google Meet. Chosen here from the video as a background image for Euren Call from. Yes, we know that I am still under Windows in the selection of the background image of all file formats. The video is not accepted as standard.

You can watch your video, start directly. So it is best to be the first to call, so that possible differences in exposure are not visible. Concluding the meeting I look forward to the coffee and the reaction of your colleagues.

Another tip: actually place a coffee at the edge of the screen and then simply take a sip with relish after your second self has brought the coffee. There are also many other ideas that you can enjoy. Load your creativity free run!

Stefan: Virtual Camera Input for Meet & Co.

Follow the same principle as Snapcamera in your live streaming program as OBS (free) or Wireless as picture . These tools are available using the Eure Webcam and the Video Conferencing Tool, but can also be used as a “pacifier” effect.

Material or play online streams, text over video footage, split screen design together or various image effects. I can know my friends and family when I play games

The principle is simple: First you put together a scene from different image and sound sources (1), then you start the virtual camera (2). / © NextPit

If you have put together a scene from different image and sound sources, you are done. Both OBS also has a wireless button in the interface, with which the virtual camera is activated. You can also select this option later in your video conferencing software. Play in the OBS and watch the region and watch the video call – or of course also stream on YouTube, Twitch & Co.

Rubens: Together Mode brings the team into one room

This type works for all users of Microsoft Teams. In addition to the various conference rooms in your own box, you can also access the video chats in a common room. The selected Oberkörper der Teilnehmer is here to be in a classroom, a bar or a theater.

together mode auditorium 1920x1080
The Together Mode of Microsoft Teams brings back the Meeting Meeting to the school bank. / © Microsoft

So that the virtual lecture halls are not as sadly empty as the universities in recent months, Microsoft limits the feature to video calls with at least five participants – and if you use a corporate admin, you have to activate the feature first. Did you meet all requirements? Then click right on the picture on the three points and activate the “Together Mode”. .

The best games for video conferencing

Ben: Plays a Gartic Phone, but it’s huge

This guy is very eager to get to the single financial meetings and more for private (or for virtual after-work with colleagues). Here is the game “Gartic Phone” a unique type. Dabei handles a modern version of Montagsmaler, which with its own four-person play is a must.

The results are accordingly poor – and the level of difficulty is high. Because based on this drawing, your teammates have to guess the original term. Closing will be used again and again. Then the round on the end.

The crowning conclusion is natural, but all views and descriptions are included in the videos. Then, in the call, sit down and learn about the great songs and absurdities to enjoy, make a real difference!

The online television station Rocketbeans.tv has a Gartic Phone available in its own format. So if you want to see how the game works, I have included the video above for you. Have fun guessing!

Stefan: It doesn’t always have to be a video chat

Of course, it’s always nice to see friends and family on the display. But if you’ve been staring at each other on the screen for months, then you’re welcome to go without a picture. At the same time, the type of Gartic Phone can also be used by others: You can do it together. / p>

  • Then you still need to read Words with Friends , the version in the second version is also available. Here you can find friends with your friends and your friends at the same time. Gibt’s free download for Android and iOS.
  • If Words with Friends is too “classic” for you, then give Kitty Letter from the makers of “Exploding Kittens” a try. Don’t you know Unconditioning recommended! It’s free download for Android and iOS!
  • And while we’re at it: Of course, Exploding Kittens itself is also an absolute tip; cost costs 1.99 euros for Android and iOS.
  • An absolute classic under (analog) multiplayer games is UNO . The card game is a great addition to Android, iOS, Sodas and I still know how to use cards. Single item: Your seat on the UNO control panel is adjusted. A “+4” on a “+2” is not here!
  • AmongUs (Android, iOS, Steam and various consoles) has a minimum of additional applications as well as the top apps, but also offers 10 minutes. You are together on a space station and you have to solve a number of very simple problems together in order to repair the space station. An attempt was made to sabotage the team.

We also have a series of multiplayer games for iOS and Android for you. The above-mentioned tips are all about “family-friendly” and have a very unique attitude.

And if your fellow human beings don’t feel like gaming at all, then you can alternatively watch a film, a series or just cat videos together on YouTube. How to clap, declare we still have an article.

How to watch your video conferences and family calls? We will be happy about your ideas in the comments!

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