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iPhone 13 (Pro): I need your movie mode

I can see a video in the control box, but it works with the smartphone or with a “ready” camera. The great underworld is the selective Schärfe, with the film’s choice of the background or the background of the background, in the focus of the word on the motif of the link.

How does the cinema mode work?

Ware for a very nice Bokeh in the diversity system cameras or professional camcorders with large sensors are available, most of the accessories in modern smartphones and software are available. Yes, some Android-smartphones are available for years with Bokeh: But with user friendliness and sobering with the movie mode of the iPhone-13-Series clapper at the competition is not.

Great trick is given, that the iPhone 13 together with the videos has a map. The smartphones on the smartphone are from the front ground to the back ground. Read more about the iPhone or the focus of the video in the video festival, which is the cinematography of the famous davor and dahinter lying pictures.

After the iPhone saves the raw videos, the depth map and the defined focus point separately, the focus of the video can also be edited afterwards – on the iPhone 13 itself, but also on others.

Was the announcement of the self-promotion, watching the movie show for the entertainment and TV cameras on the back side as well as the selfie camera for delivery. The following iPhones are equipped with Cinema Mode

How does the cinema mode work

Cinema Mode: The video mode works

The Cinema Mode, in English “Cinematic Mode”, is found prominently in the Camera App of new iPhones between Modi “Video” and “Zeitlupe”. A fingertip type activates the mode, the startup button starts – override – the startup.

The standard app is marked by the camera app on all occasions. While watching the announcement, the cinematography of the jeweils is the active person to feed and focus on. Through a fingertip on the display you can still focus on the manual. In the following video, you will be able to automatically watch the video, but you will be in the camera ground in the camera – keep the movie mode in focus on Fabi, we will be able to use the fingertip manual.

The Cinema Mode tracks these endings and keeps them in focus. Through a long type of expertise, the “virtual autofocus” is on the best focus and keeps a person with a viewer or a person in the same background in front of focus, very close to the background. ”

Hold the finger length on a point in the display, in the cinema mode of the “AF Lock” to activate. Ben can now speak into the camera for as long as he wants – the focus remains on Fabi.

The cinematic mode offers the following settings:

    • The curved “f” at the top left stands for the aperture ratio. The smaller the number, the stronger the bokeh effect. With the iPhone 13 also “f2.0” ranks for the most powerful backgrounds, with “f16” is the effect of the controls.
    • With the Blitz-Icon right, you can configure your video LEDs for “always out” and “automatic”. In the last setting, I also signal that the iPhone was activated before the LED was activated or not.
    • The small “
    • With a tip on the “1x” still on iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max between the wide angle and the TV camera. The double file is also available on the selfie camera. The ultra-wide angle cameras do not support the cinema mode (right).

Note that the resolution in cinema mode is limited to Full HD with 1920 x 1080 pixels at 30 frames per second. Dolby Vision HDR is also available here.

Kinomodus: So watch your videos

The big number of Kinomodus makes the most popular competitions: You know the focus of the videos also after the appointment again. So you know the focus changes perfectly on the checkout. The following features do not apply only to the iPhone-13 models, but also on the following Apple devices in the photo app: possible. Download the featured version, update it to this article on this page.

Editing the videos on iOS is very easy. The clip clip works in the photo app and clicks here on “Work”. Concluding your video with the thumbnail page. New at this point is an additional timeline that shows when the cinema mode changes the focus automatically and manually. There is still no focus on any of the focus exchanges. In the following clip, it looks like it works:

Important: You can watch the videos on a different device, you must download the clips for iCloud Photos or AirDrop. Understand the information available, the iPhone in Cinema Mode is open. In the 10th year democratize the DSLRs and DSLMs of the films with Tiefenunschärfe. And now there are smartphones. Klar, Huawei has the Feature side of the Mate 20 on board and Samsung on the Galaxy S20 series. Aber mal ehrlich: Habt Ihr davon viel gemerkt?

I dare to make the forecast: The cinema mode in the iPhone 13 will ensure that your Facebook, Instagram and TikTok feeds keep more and more videos up in the coming weeks – and always more videos with little friends. And you are not only a professional creator, also a friend and family.

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