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Signal: Activating messages for all chats activated – so go

Signal is silently echoed. The messages sent are deleted automatically after a preset period of time. Your chat is included in the chat for the individual person, or globally for all your signal contacts. In addition to the information provided, we also need to make a statement.

What motivation does the Messenger want to exchange? It is very easy to get to the new messengers of Signal Messengers, but this WhatsApp will come back to you. Since the right messenger is chosen when choosing a suitable WhatsApp alternative, services such as Signal must also offer new, useful features.

Mach’s gut, WhatsApp – Hello Signal Messenger: So the bill of exchange , automatically converting messages to start. If you want to go directly to the chat, you can choose the right person, so you can activate a separate contact for each contact. Here is the signal now! If you know, you can’t just set the time limit for the page, so you can read the message, so that you can also make global contacts for all contacts.

Read more: Telegram and signal in Direct link

Configured Your default messages at signal in the messenger settings possible. Go to the following:

  1. Tip on the right of the three-point menu.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Here is your area of ​​”data protection” on
  4. Types based on “editing news” and chooses one of the proposed times from, or still serves for “personalized time”.
  5. When your time is free, you can choose and “Personalized time” is selected, you can choose the right time of 1 second to 4 weeks.
  6. Tip on “Save”.
Signal disappearing messages DE
It is very easy to find the perfect room.

Naturally, your chat rooms are also available directly in individual chat rooms. In addition, their game in the chat room tipped again on three points at the right. Then you repeat the above steps 4, 5 and 6. Here I list it again clearly:

  1. In the chat, tap on the three-point menu in the upper right corner.
  2. Types based on “editing news” and chooses one of the proposed times from, or still serves for “personalized time”.
  3. When your time is free, you can choose and “Personalized time” is selected, you can choose the right time of 1 second to 4 weeks.
  4. Tip on “Save”.

Competitive news as analogies to real-world conversations

As the norms of how people interact with one another have changed, much of the communication that used to take place in cafes, bars and parks now takes place through digital devices. An effect of this translation from analogues to digital communication is that there is a unique translation of the fluent to the following: The word, which is a fluent talk, is now – in the most common cases – for the sake of date.This is also free, and you will be able to control your communication over chats and chats as much as possible. But don’t forget that you still have to be careful with everything you write or which pictures and videos you share. Of course, when it is configured, you can still watch the seconds again, you can still use it with a separate camera.

It is also recommended that you submit to Claren, where information is available to you. Nevertheless, the disappearing messages are a very useful feature, which also has several advantages:

  • You save storage space on your smartphone
  • You increase security if you lose your smartphone

How do you know this news? Is it a feature, how much does it take, or what do you want to do in all your chat time?

Write us in the comments, what you think of this function and whether you use similar features in other messengers such as WhatsApp.

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