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Use mobile phones as landline telephones: This is how it works without DECT

Can you use your handset as a mobile phone? Request a question, if you always have a DECT phone at home, or your Internet provider or one or more numbers. We will see you, your smartphone will be available as a mobile phone.

Why do you want to be alone, still I still? The most obvious background, the number numbers on the handy for use: Your phone has a flat phone, your smartphone is not available. At least at home you can chat into the phone for hours without a guilty conscience.

Your service for a service like a telegram or WhatsApp a phone number and does not want to receive your personal number? Then offer here a simple Eur vermutlich ohnehin verwaiste Festnetnummer; In the rules, the registries also register without any SMS reception possibilities by providing a code.

Router. It uses a DSL router, supports VoIP and a suitable Android or iPhone application. As we can see in the following table, the selection is unfortunately not particularly large:

Mobile phone as landline phone: support via app

From o2 there used to be the “o2 Digital Phone” app for landline customers, but it has not been updated for four years. So, Deutsche Telekom has their Home Talk app disabled on January 15, 2019. 1 & 1 and Vodafone have a unique application in the offer. The cordless telephone on the router is registered and locked as a DECT telephone. Instead, you have to trust that the manufacturer of your router provides a corresponding app. To the end you can also choose an alternative. You need to download the linked app for your smartphone. In our fall we demonstrate with the Fritzbox app.

Mobile phone as landline phone: support via app
Apply the app, FritzBox in WLAN to select, Conditions are available – and can be locked.

Einrichten der App hat im Test keine fünf Minuten gedauert. According to the instructions, your instructions on the display are still available. The unique Stolperstrick is, after all, Fritz! The solution is simple: your memory only on the web interface of the FritzBox is a user under the System and FritzBox-Nutzer .

Once you’ve created a user here and given the appropriate authorization for calls, you’re good to go.

Closing is all self-supporting. Your phone has a dialer and you can enter a phone number and call easily. If your discretion is accepted, you can also add it to your normal phone book.

Self-talk of other people: I can use my hands on the party (links) on my handy (middle), and all over the device. The future is now, old man.

After the router and other app, this is a series of settings. For example, I discovered today that my Internet tariff contains three landline numbers, between which I can jump happily. Thank you very much, Fritz!
You can also find hardware and app options for access (left, left). Positive under iOS: The above-mentioned festivals are also included in the history history on “Audio” (right).

Alternative: Handy via SIP as a mobile phoneThere are also alternatives and other possible options, a smartphone with a mobile phone for use. You can also bring SIP to the Festnetz on your smartphone. The background is here for you, but you can still enjoy your festive number so far and theoretically in Ausland. Do you have an interest in the topic? Then we will be about your feedback in the comments!

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