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Apples “Photographic style”: The gift is more than just a filter

One of the new features of the iPhone 13 is based on the network. We have for you to still enjoy and advertise, because the photo style is not with classic photo filters to be selected.

When you decide to change one of the variations, the results are given in contrast, in the color temperature and in other countries. In the application, as well as in the results, the photo style is based on the filter.

Classic photo filters change the results of the fall in aspects such as contrast, beauty, color temperature and dynamics. Allergists need Apple as a movie star for the hardware of the iPhone 13, the results are still available and individual to make. the ISP (image processor) in the Apple A15 SoC, a selective effect on the image. While filtering on an art and a variety of functions, the analogue photography is available (for negatives, photo papers, the filter is self-contained and other factors that affect the environment), and Apple’s photographic style is another important feature in computer design.

Photographic Styles
The photographic style can be separated from each element in the scene by © Apple

A pre-existing technique is available, but in the location it is, of course, to maintain and maintain the color of the objects in front of the front or back.

Photo styles are available in four options – Contrast , Lead , Warm and Cool – available. It can be easily repaired in the color of paint and paint temperature individually. It is very easy to find, but there is only one single camera on the back side. Somit are the models, with their style you know, following:

I need your photo style

The new features in the iPhone 13-Lineup can be activated in the iOS-Camera-App, indem man on the ^ -Taste (oben auf dem Bildschirm) tippt. Concluding the selection of the symbol with the three parallel pictures and a short day. Alternatively, your function and application can be set up > camera > photo style .

After activating, the display can be viewed on the page, and an effect preview of the effect can be obtained. Directly under the available effects can be added to the color of the color and the heat. Around the style of the standard settings, the type is simply on the cross symbol in the settings (directly on the switching area to the switches between the cameras).


The photo style is based on filters, which are located on many smartphones to be found, are not available yet. Experienced photos can be created with this function at the same time as the image processing of images in Adobe Lightroom or Apple Photos.

So as well-known Sony in the Xperia 1 Mark III. Xiaomi has been introduced to the 2021 application for Chinese ROMs from Mi 11 intelligent filters, the watercolor or ski effects can be found on the background. Samsung uses the processor for its high-end devices, an individual filter can be created, the style of your favorite pictures can be found.

Apple’s photo styles follow a similar process as an intelligent filter from Xiaomi (oben) / © Xiaomi

Not to be denied: The filter filter, the various items of interest, the eyes to be enlarged or the article “linked” Read the motif. Jungst demonstrates I’m a sunny feature in our test report on the Xiaomi 11T Pro. It doesn’t matter, it makes sense, that this company optimizes this feature in the future, including the demonstrated function of Xiaomi.

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