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Spotify offline on “Wear OS” -Smartwatch nutzen – so geht’s!

Spotify announces that in the future it will finally be possible to make music offline on smartwatches with Wear OS. The update comes in the next few days – it works as it does, but it does work.

When I do my daily laps through the city to take my steps, Spotify on my smartphone is my constant companion. If you have a sporting ambition, you will be able to use your smartphone and make sure you can use your smartwatch. For sports in the new world you can get good news from Spotify: The Swedish children can be, but it is possible to be there, music on smart watches with Wear OS offline available.

So come Spotify-Songs and Podcasts offline on Wear OS Smartwatches

It seems a bit as if the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 last week woke Wear OS up a bit. So it is surely no coincidence that Spotify is announcing offline availability right now. One of the most popular must-haves: in the present-day Smartwatches, no matter what, Spotify will update the “Next Week” update. After all, the music streaming market leader is already revealing how you can use Spotify offline on your smartwatch in the future and share the knowledge here with you:

  1. Once the update is in, Watch music and podcasts, download your songs
  2. Tip to “Download to watch”.
  3. You can check progress on the Smartwatch in the “Downloads” area
  4. Saving the selected readings, albums or podcasts in your library can be found, you can do that by the little green arrow next to the name
  5. Beginners and create music – no matter where you are!
Spotify Wear OS
Don’t even make new Samsung watches of the function / © Spotify

In addition, you can use this limited music opportunity, which also includes a premium premium rate. Free use of music and podcasts can be found in the Shuffle Mode mode. One day only, the smartwatch has a Wi-Fi or mobile connection. Spotify Premium users can download albums, rewind spreadsheets and podcasts and offer them offline. The music and podcast fans have a smartwatch available on hand, and these strategies can be found. Speaking of the “smartwatch”: Naturally, the features of the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, Spotify can be updated and updated for other brands such as Fossil, Mobvoi and Suunto, which are available with Wear OS 2.0.

Now of course I hope that the “Wear OS” faction of the NextPit community will use the update to listen to our NextPit podcast “Casa Casi” while running on the smartwatch offline in the future. Also, I hope that our comments in this comment are taken, that I still hear about the feature happily – or that I still have fragments, that Spotify is now with the idea of ​​the corner comes.

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