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Deactivate in-app purchases and more: Apply for other stores

Smartphones and tablets are very good, children for a couple of people to visit. Allergings are also a potentially risky gift, as well as Mobile Games and App In-App Buyers. NextPit will be available again, we will still buy new Android and iOS products.

Although he is not pedagogically immersed in a very valuable language, the technique is a very good instant babysitter. In the Google Play Store and in the AppStore you can find many different applications for children and young people. Allergings allow you to enjoy mobile games and other possibilities in the app. In the app you can read about them. It is easy to understand the one-click purchase, and the children do not know how to use it. Use Google as well as Apple tools to control or stop buying on Android or iOS / iPadOS. In this article I will still be here.

  1. Android
  2. Apple iOS

Fall 1: Children use your smartphone smartly with

When the child (or teen) has a mobile phone or tablet and your Google user account is available, this is a simple solution, all available Adjustment of account passages is available. Follows the following descriptions:

2021 09 09 Parental controls B01
  1. Tip on the profile picture in the selected Images of screens on the Play Store
  2. Select the ” settings” option
  3. Tip on the ” Authentication” field , about the options to open
  4. Choice ” Authentication for buyers forfeited”
  5. Choice ” For all devices on Google Play Store”
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The biometric authentication is not enabled yet, but the child with the biometric data can be found! / © NextPit

How the option is saved, you need to read the table on all tables and hands again, the child is welcome.

Activate the Biometric Authentication option, but it is not possible for the child to receive an inventory with your fingerprint or another authorization of the registered biometric system.

Naturally, the passport is private. not the child is divided. After all, the above-mentioned script is taken out, must your own person, or your own – or another person – a purchase is selected, this is authorized by the Google Accounts Office. The gild also plays and plays, the payment system of Google Play Services is available. By this option, you can also deactivate your In-App Buyer.

Fall 2: Kind of using a smartphone or tablet

Our second scenario is that your child has a handy or a tablet used. Here you can activate your purchase only at an additional location. To this page Google offers the app “Family Link” an. With the app, you can use a user account for your children and other management options on YouTube, the website and many more resources.

Open your family link and follow the provided script:

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Family Link centralized the various controls for Google Accounts / © NextPit
  1. After the app is displayed, you can use your user account to pay
  2. Select the next image screen option ” Alternator”
  3. Select ” More” and ” Right”
  4. On the next picture screen we will decide on a new account for the child, we will be on ” No” tips If you have a Google Account, you can use other devices on settings , then on Google > Child Security and the power of the device so that the phone is still available
  5. Tip on More, um mit der Kontoerstellung zu beginnen. This information is very informative and it takes about 10 minutes to read. In addition to this writing, your additional applications must be accepted and your username must be accepted. Also accept the data protection provisions for your new account
  6. Tip on the end of the research process on the surface
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The results are a new account for your child or your teenager has a good income / © NextPit

The Family Link account has been created, your login is accepted as a main Google Account on the Eure Child account. Go back to the Eurem Handy and open the Family Link-App, one of the entries for the Children’s Account is: Profile with the listed cups

  • Open the option ” Setup options”
  • Select ” Google Play”
  • Tip for the option ” Generation available for”
  • Select the option ” All input levels”
2021 09 09 Parental controls B05
With Family Link, your use of other Google services is limited and limited. / © NextPit

Sobald dies geschehen ist, muss das Kind jedes Mal, wenn es versucht, Inhalte zu kaufen, die Transaction auf dem Gerät der Eltern oder des Erziehungsberechtigten autorisieren.

According to the configuration of the secondary accounts, it is possible to translate them, and the account is also registered with any payment agent. This day, the answer to the following points is correct.

Radical Solution: There is no interest in paying

This option is something radical and does not matter, but it still has many applications. In addition to your subscriptions with your Google Account, you can also use the Google Pay Service, you can follow the following scripts. The offer of payment methods from Eurem Google Account is valid for all devices that you can log in with. It is also a good idea to pay for your credit card.

A credit card, debit card or other payment method is available from the application, the following notes are provided:

Vorgang can also use the Google Pay website or the Pay App to access / © NextPit

  1. Open the Play Store app and type in your profile picture
  2. Select the Option Payments and Subscriptions
  3. Chosen payment rates
  4. Scrolls from the screen to the bottom and opens the option ” Additional payments”
  5. The browser offers and shows the registered payment method on the account
  6. Pays for the transfer of the card from the account, then your account is locked
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Renewal of payment: Available payment methods from Google Pay and other Google services / © NextPit

Your memory for any registered payment method is also available for all users with the device.

Under Apple iOS

Use Your child has an iPhone or an iPad, but it certainly has a special children’s account. The part of the “Bildschirmzeit” function is, in addition to your in-app purchases at Eurem Kind. Geget dabei wie folgt vor:

    1. Triggering the image time under “settings” and “image time”
    2. Tips on “restrictions” and the possibility of an external code
    3. Elected from “Inhalt und Datenschutz” from
    4. Here is your “iTunes & App Store” option
    5. Tip here for “In-app purchases” and choose “Do not buy” from

Starting Euer Kind does not allow any purchasers from Apps. These entries in the account of your child are collected, and the changes are based on iPhones as well as iPads.

Falling your tips for a safe environment with smartphones and tablets is a must for you to comment on!

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