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The heat isn’t good for your phone either

Why phones overheat

The period of unpleasant heat has also reached Slovakia. In an air-conditioned room, it is still possible to survive. However, great care must be taken outside to dehydrate or burn the skin. But have you noticed that your phone doesn’t cope with heat? If you feel that your smartphone is discharging faster than usual in the sun, it’s not just an appearance. Here are some reasons why phones may overheat.

Most portable electronic devices can be easily affected by the weather. This is especially true for smartphones, in which all components are very tightly placed in a metal or plastic construction. The phone’s performance and flashlight life are significantly reduced in the heat. In extreme circumstances, the flashlight may even burn.

Why the phones overheat

Almost all smartphones are designed to work on hot days. For example, Apple’s iPhone should handle a temperature range of 0 to 35 degrees. Theoretically, he should not be in danger even in the current heat.

However, in some circumstances, its resilience may deteriorate. The most common are exposure to direct sunlight and running programs that put a significant strain on the processor or screen. This also happens when playing games, watching videos or using navigation. Phones become hot during these activities because they are complex processes that require a lot of movement inside the phone. The movement creates heat. Overheating can also occur when you charge the phone, which is actually a process when electricity passes through the device. Of course, the load increases when several of these processes happen at once.

What happens when the phone overheats

When the phone overheats, it finds itself in danger of its “life”. Components may be damaged, the screen may crack, and the flashlight may ignite. Modern smartphones are protected against this by a built-in defense system that prevents the phone from working at full capacity when facing dangerous temperatures.

Man holding a smartphone

The first measure of the defense mechanism is to slow down the processor. Therefore, your phone may respond late in hot weather. Don’t worry – nothing went wrong, only the protection mode was temporarily activated.

When the phone reaches a really high temperature, it starts taking more drastic action . Your iPhone stops charging, the screen dims, and a warning appears on it. If you use Android devices, you can download an app with the same feature.

What you can do

In this case, the best advice is also the simplest: During the heat, use the phone outside only for basic things. If you’re already in a hot environment with your phone, follow these recommendations:

Remove it from the case. Plastic or leather prevents heat from flowing away from the phone.

Decrease the screen brightness and close all demanding applications. Set the battery saving mode.

Leave your phone in the shade or bag. Be especially careful when the phone is charging.

Don’t play mobile games, watch videos, or use navigation.

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