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Bank card: paying online tomorrow, what can change?

Online payment is now commonplace and the bank card makes everyday life easier for many consumers . And tomorrow, what will the rules be? How do users see the future of online payment? This is the subject of a campaign carried out by EDF Pulse & You to which the Pulsers have agreed to respond. Review of this co-innovation campaign.

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The incredible journey of the world’s internet traffic When we connect to the Internet, our data takes a very long distance. An email travels an average of 15,000 km to reach its destination!

Easy to use, the bank card seems to be the means of payment preferred by the French, even if, with a number with several digits, it is not always practical. As for its secure aspect, time is to be cautious. In 2020, Internet fraud recorded an increase of 16.4% compared to the previous year (2020 annual report – Observatory for the security of means of payment of the Banque de France). This figure is due in particular to the increased enthusiasm of the French for e-commerce .

The bank card, a tool acclaimed by the Pulseurs

Of the 174 people registered for the EDF Pulse & You campaign , the contribution rate stands at 84%, a figure which shows the interest paid to the bank card. And that’s not all ! Recorded over the phone, the CB convinces 71% of contributors who have tested this payment method. But in the face of fraud, data security is ubiquitous in Pulsers responses. They prefer its speed of execution, its practicality and its simplicity of use. For online purchases, the bank card, mostly used (57% of testers), supplants Paypal (37%), the famous online payment platform.

The card report banking / online payments also helps bring in White light
The wavelengths of visible light range from about 380 nm (purple) to 780 nm (red). The visible spectrum is light the principle of cryptocurrencies . Dedicated to the payment of purchases on the Internet, they cause some reluctance and 63% of kickers are not completely won over. The big Some solvents, like acetone or volatility of their worrying value for routine use.

MasterCard and other cards

Online payment by bank card, findings and ideas for the future

The campaign “ Pay by card tomorrow online banking, how is it going? ”was intended to understand the relationship of users with their credit card, but also to imagine the future of this method of payment. “ideal” online payment route. Contributors would like to be notified by SMS or e-mail of the invoice to be paid before payment, or even be informed of the evolution of it to adjust their bud get. During the payment process, the Pulsers approve the security steps (3D Secure code via SMS ) provided they remain limited. They also appreciate being able to choose the payment date, split payment and validation of direct debits. Finally, they consider it necessary to receive an SMS validating the payment and find it appropriate to be notified of the purchase on their loyalty program.

Finally, through their comments and ideas, the Pulsers expressed a wish, that of making online payment more secure through various options. CB registration and scanning would be appreciated solutions. Likewise, sending a direct link to secure payment areas is presented as a functionality that can be established. The biometrics could also become a reliable solution to secure purchases on the Net.

Article produced in partnership with the EDF Pulse and You teams.

What to remember

  • This EDF Pulse & You campaign took place from June 28 to August 30, 2021. The aim was to demonstrate the current path of online payment by bank card, but also to highlight before ideas to improve this process.
  • The most active contributors were rewarded with gifts.
  • Other campaigns are regularly posted.
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