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Analog signal interference, arrival of digital and satellite technology

You certainly remember a time when satellite channel reception was the prerogative of the wealthier. After the revolution, the satellites gained in importance, because Bohumil Stejskal also bought one, and he really only knew the basics from German. While in the past the satellites were full of channels, which the Slovak did not always understand very much, the present is a little different. Today’s satellite TVs contain a rich offer of foreign, but especially of our channels. Czech and Slovak channels in a really rich selection, often as “branches” of other foreign stations are now available, for example, from providers Digi TV, Mágio od T-comu, or Skylink. For example, several channels support and also broadcast in HD resolution at Skylink, which is an attractive thing for today’s advanced technologies. In short, someone longs for both picture and sound quality. We have recently learned about Skylink in particular from its spooky advertising – it scares us that analogue broadcasting will end. As in the past in the neighboring Czech Republic, in our country the broadcasting will be completely digital transmission and it will be necessary to buy a SET-TOP-BOX for each TV – unless you have your own cable provider. Although Skylink offers satellite TV, you also need to purchase satellite technology, a plate and much more to use the Skylink service. However, not everyone is an expert in this technique today, and of course not us. Therefore, we asked the seller of satellite technology as well as the prepaid Skylink card in Kežmarok, the L222 store, for a few questions that will make this topic clearer to us a bit more.

How is it even possible to purchase Skylink? Is it necessary to have some equipment already at home, or is everything bought together? Should a Skylink client expect any monthly fees?

For satellite TV reception via a Skylink card, you need to purchase:
* a Skylink card
* a satellite dish (optimal is 80 cm with a dual converter )
* satellite receiver with CryptoWorks or IRDETO decoder The basic offer of Slovak and Czech programs is free of charge without monthly fees. the customer can pay for the multi-package variably as needed. A multipack for one month costs € 9. The fastest activation is at the Skylink retailer, where they activate the card immediately.

What about the cancellation of analog broadcasting? When do you expect something like this to happen? Analog broadcast shutdown is already in progress. Analogue broadcasting in Slovakia will definitely end at the end of 2012.
Could you give an example of one of the devices and plates that a person in a shop with a similar technology could directly request and not have to grope for? Of course, it should be a high-quality device, able to work properly with the Skylink program and at the same time cost-effective.

At http://skylink.sk/web/structure/62.html, the customer can choose from a wide range of certified Skylink satellite receivers.

Skylink satellite receivers

In the price rankings, I just found your store as the cheapest provider / seller of the Skylink card, but also not only satellite technology. Is it also an online sale, or just an interest in a brick-and-mortar store?

We also sell Skylink cards in a brick-and-mortar store, but at slightly higher prices. The ideal and best-selling purchase is over the Internet, where you don’t even pay any handling or postage fees. And if the customer buys two Skylink cards, he gets a nice Skylink T-shirt for free http://goo.gl/Ene3U

What do you think is good to avoid when buying satellite technology or the Skylink system directly? It’s not at all something that could lose the desire for quality satellite broadcasting and proper operation.

Currently, we only recommend HD satellite receivers to our customers (ie a receiver that processes the MPEG4 / DVB-S / DVB-S2 signal). Nevertheless, about 60 percent of customers choose a cheaper alternative, namely the SD satellite receiver. Investing in a more sophisticated HD receiver will definitely pay off. The picture quality of the ability to record and watch HD stations is definitely worth it.

Thank you for the answers from the L222.sk store and I wish you every survival of the transition to digital broadcasting. Those who have a network cable in the block of flats do not have to worry. However, it will be worse with all people who still have only antennas and will soon have to buy set-top boxes.

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