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The development of low-carbon technologies, a major issue

Achieving carbon neutrality as quickly as possible requires strong support for innovation such as ecosystem set up by EDF Pulse with collaborations between start-ups, entrepreneurs and investment funds.

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According to the Global Innovation Index, recently published by the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ), France is now within the doors of the top 10 most innovative countries. The country has an ambitious entrepreneurial dynamic, as evidenced by Bpifrance Inno Génération (BIG), the largest business gathering in Europe which has chosen to put ‘focus this year on the climate . EDF Pulse necessarily has its place there with the ecosystem that it supports in favor of the decarbonization of the economy and the energy transition .

Start-up, come and meet the teams of EDF Pulse Ventures present at the BIG – bpifrance event

Half of low carbon technologies are yet to be developed

energy is at the heart of the fight against global warming. Consume less, consume better, decarbonise uses and produce CO₂-neutral electricity: all of these are crucial issues for a major player in the energy transition such as the EDF group , which is present in the production, transport, distribution, trading, sale of energy and energy services. However, according to a report by the International Energy Agency , half of the low-carbon technologies needed to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality are to be developed! This is why EDF has created an ecosystem conducive to innovation with collaborations between start-ups, entrepreneurs and investment funds.

250 millions d ‘ euros invested in about twenty projects

Since 2017, EDF Pulse opens up the field of possibilities to reach the carbon neutrality . In addition to internationally recognized R&D with a budget of 680 million euros in 2020 and more than 1,800 researchers mobilized, the Group works in start-up mode to create new growth drivers. In particular, it has set up EDF Pulse Incubation , to support the ideas of its employees, and the venture capital fund EDF Pulse Ventures in a long-term partnership approach with start-ups committed to the energy transition. Investments have been made in nearly twenty international investment funds and already more than 250 million euros have been invested in twenty projects around sustainable territories, decentralized energies, services in a more sustainable habitat and performing industry.

In just over four years, they have invested more than 270 million euros in innovative projects. © Guillaume Lesueur, Director of Investments for EDF Pulse Ventures

You wish to discuss with Guillaume Lesueur and his teams? More info here!
250 millions d ' euros invested in about twenty projects

Valuable time across the entire value chain

Among them, PowerUp, which relies on ten years of research by CEA-Liten to offer control and sustainable use of batteries. From the usage data collected, their algorithms establish charging strategies to increase the duration of battery life by 20 to 100% and predict their decline in shape. Thanks to EDF Pulse Ventures, the start-up was able to raise funds of 5 million euros and accelerate its research on electrical storage with EDF R&D on better precision of indicators and with EDF Renouvelables which provided access to to field data to compare the models. According to Josselin Priour, its CEO and co-founder, “ we have saved precious time across the entire value chain with an industrialization of our process planned for next year. Only in this way will we all be able to respond to the urgent challenges of the energy transition ”.

Article produced in partnership with EDF Pulse Ventures teams.

This to remember

  • A major player in the energy transition, the EDF group is present in all businesses: production, transport, distribution, trading, sale of energy and energy services. Leader in low-carbon energies, EDF is convinced that collaboration with start-ups will bring out the innovative solutions and services essential to achieve carbon neutrality.
  • To support To achieve this ambition, the Group has created EDF Pulse Ventures, a corporate investment fund that supports the growth of start-ups committed to the energy transition.
  • The teams of EDF Pulse Ventures will be present on October 7, 2021 at the BIG trade fair organized by bpifrance. The opportunity for start-ups and investors to discuss!
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