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SolidLight creates revolutionary holograms!

The start-up Light Field Lab manages to create holographic objects in the real world by playing with the wavelengths of light. It’s amazing.

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An Elvis who comes back to life to hold concerts … Tupac who returns on stage sixteen years after his death … and the politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon who has the gift of ubiquity in happening in meeting simultaneously in Lyon and Aubervilliers … For all these cases, the term hologram was used and yet they are not really.

This is more of an optical illusion, a reproduction by reflection of an image which was shown on a flat screen. A simple mirror tilted at 45 ° will display vertically and in space, the reflection of a flat image. If we rotate around this image, there is no 3D effect, so it is not a The principle of holography has been discovered hologram . As another 3D effect that looks like a hologram, there are also 3D screens, or even 3D frames. The technique used to give the illusion of 3D is then called autostereoscopy and there is no need for special glasses. Create a real hologram , as in Star Wars is much more complicated. Yet this is what has managed to achieve in the United States, a Californian start-up called Light Field Lab with its SolidLight technology.

Until now, holograms were just optical illusions. Light Field Lab creates “ a world that escapes from the screen “.

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Playing with wavelengths of colors

The process is strongly reminiscent of the famous Star Trek Holodeck which allows the crew to have fun or train. SolidLight thus manages to generate objects in the real world by manipulating very precisely the Sciences of matter
Action to spread so as to reach a uniform state; result of this action. In the case of light, reference, in all directions, of diffusion of the White light
The wavelengths of visible light range from approximately 380 nm (purple) to 780 nm (red). The visible spectrum is light and, more precisely, its wavelength. So that the object floating in space is displayed, the light is diffused by a 28-inch panel made up of 2.5 billion pixels, a record! And it’s not just any pixels. Instead of the classic blue, red, green, these are able to deliver precise nuances of Sometimes, the color .

These are all variations of wavelengths of light that allow the shapes of holographic objects to be constructed in space. With these variations of waves of color emitted by these LED, the image comes out of the screen. With SolidLight, the advantage over other technologies that call themselves holographic is that from any viewing angle you can see the hologram and its 3D structure as if you were rotating around a real object. .

In the future, the company intends to go further and create screens with 245 billion pixels, to expand the display surface. A crazy figure when you know that a 4K type screen has 8.2 million pixels.

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