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How to avoid automatically closing apps on Android

How to avoid automatically closing Android apps

If the energy savings come from the automatic closure of applications, voyons comment on the active actions on the Android smartphone card

The modern Android smartphones have an integrated integrated energy economy system, which drastically reduces the consumption of CPU and RAM beyond the screen of the phone and is closed (if necessary) the applications that consume the memory or memory of the processor, in addition to the battery life. These systems are based on all smartphones that can be used as a demi-journal of autonomy in virtually all scenarios, but there are some problems with the notifications of messaging applications or lorries of music broadcasting, car type of the application to restart the memory to accomplish my best work. the energy saving system installed on your smartphone, which defines the exceptions for applications that can only be used to restrict illiterate memory (including the number of applications that force all applications).

Gardez toujours open applications

The system of energy economy varies from one manufacturer to another, but the stages of its existence are almost the same as the ones we have to illustrate. For the guide, we have tested the energy saving system of Xiaomi smartphones, but we can also reproduce the stages on a Samsung phone, Huawei or all other manufacturers.

Comment on the place of energy savings

To control the energy saving on your Android smartphone, we can open the application , let’s go to the menu Battery and performances (on the other side of Energy saving , Batteries or simulations) and select the item Choice of candidatures or Application of economy of energy .

On the smartphones with Android 6.0 or superior we can define the energy economy that is the manufacturer of the phone, we are on the phone Parameters -> Applications and notifications -> Special access to applications -> Battery optimization , a tap on Sans optimization and setting All applications .

We have added to all applications present in the system of energy economy and this application; pour power to suppress one of the applications and readings of memory, apply this and save the case to the case Ne pas optimizer . This feature includes the Dose application and is included with Android (it doesn’t even specify a single manufacturer), as described in our guide to Android battery optimization on every smartphone .

Comment on the automatic overture control of applications

An other system of four-energy economy limitation of applications to automatically demarcate with the smartphone to demarcate or after a certain time; this feature is useful with applications that include games, video or simulator readings, but it can also include additional problems with notifications of messaging applications. > Settings , open the Allowed menu, then select AutoPlay .

One of the lists of applications installed on the system is open; from the end of the automatic demarcation, add a complement to the button of the application list that you can use (for example WhatsApp and Telegram), from which you can start to demarcate the phone demolition and turn it off.

How to stop Android apps starting automatically

Comment on automatic fermentation of applications

Against the problem is the automatic fermentation of applications (integrated on the number of Chinese smartphones), it can also support the fermentation of certain applications in the list of recent applications. bouton Home or on a speedboat where the board is located in the center, in the main view), in the current position on the screen of the application to open the appliance on the symbol of the cadences or on the button block .

Other useful tips

The advice that we have had to present before applying quickly to the list of active applications, selecting the application to regulate and apply to the gearbox or l’élément Application settings .

In the screen with the summary of the data and the authorizations of the application, we will be able to adjust the automatic demarcation in an act on the button of the name of the name regulate the parameter of energy economy and use it Energy economy -> Aucune restriction . To put it mildly, we have a few minutes to park a millimeter of minus to avoid the automatic closure of Android applications, but we have to quickly accelerate that we will install the new application that contours the battery economy system. The recapitulative screen of applications that we need to open to start chemistry Parameters -> Apply , to apply to the application that we have to support.


If we have a problem with the notifications from the import of this messaging application or music player streaming to share Spotify or simulation applications, very certain the problem of the concert of the economies of energy too “aggressive” , which can automatically close the applications that consume the plus of energy without our consensus. Applying the tips of this guide, we need to consider the applications that are more important than active activities, to solve the problems of notifications and applications of multimedia activities with the screen. Of all evidence we have no influence over the application of the ability to contour the system of energy economy , as well as the autonomy of the appliance to affect.

Do we need other applications for the management of energy savings? In the guide to Android applications that save the battery we can find the substitutes that can be used for the tools you use in this guide, as well as the support of energy savings in the apparatuses without the menu. If the battery of our phone does not last long with the same time as the active energy saving mode, we will recommend you suggestions on our suggestions in our two guides on the comment Extend the life of the Android battery and how Increase battery life on mobile phones and smartphones .

Also explore more articles in our categories Internet, technology and again Computer and Internet.

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