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We visited the Atlantis science center on Magnetová in Bratislava

Science center Atlantis in Bratislava is one of the newer attractions that attracts children and adults to a little scientific world in our capital. In truth, there is nothing like it in our country, so if you want to entertain your child and the parent himself has the desire to get to know and play, then this will be the right place to satisfy the appetite for knowledge. Despite the fact that the age from which you can go here is not specified, we tested 2 year old and 4 year old children, who surprisingly also found theirs here. The ideal visitor is a young schoolboy who is close to physics. Surprisingly, the relationship with physics does not have to be positive, as this is the place that can arouse interest in a schoolboy. The center proves with various inventions and entertainment that physics and entertainment go together and there is also something to be taught. Exceptionally, parents will have fun in the same place, as they sometimes like to try a specific invention before they grow up.

What and what is the Atlantis Science Center

The center on Magnetova Street in Bratislava, open daily, is relatively easy to find. (Another is open in Levice only on working days.) By tram no. 4, or no. 10 can be reached from the center to Vajnorská Street and then maybe a 3 to 5 minute walk south to the high chimneys. Buses 58, 95 and 514 lead to the same place in addition to the trams. The children are welcomed by the dear lady at the reception and there are already two devices in these areas. Everything is located on the floor. It used to be an office space for visitors. Each room has enough space for the whole elementary school classroom to be able to see how the invention works. Schools are also among the visitors of the center, and teachers are then happy to take on the role of a guide.

Among the phenomena that can be mentioned and can be seen directly on the spot are the refraction of light, waves, magnetism, but perhaps most children and adults will have fun, such as the special keeping the inflatable ball in the air, logical tasks, a decent number of puzzles, explanation of how the pulleys work, the opposite writing, which bothers even the biggest guys, but I will mention, for example, quite fun for me to create water vortices in tanks, amused the paths of releasing metal balls, where surprisingly faster were those who had for the ball on the path “delay”… man is therefore he will really learn something. In the absence of a guide, a teacher or a skilled parent, there are whiteboards describing how it works.

Science center Atlantis in Bratislava

Bubble blow a little differently

Everyone knows bublifuk. But the one they have here is not easy to see. When you ask a little visitor what he liked the most, in our case it was a bubble blower and maybe others will not be different. You can wrap yourself in a huge bubble, create various shapes next to it, or a bubble wall. The entertainment typical of children entertained almost every single visitor to this room. The bubble room is the only place where you can’t walk without shoes.


The only attraction we missed was our universe. However, it has been available in Bratislava and Levice since September 20. The children try out the spacesuit, the cramped spaceship and the lunar surface.

Mummification of Ancient Egypt since July

During the day, a program is new to visitors, which is new since July. The ancient Egyptian theme obviously entertains even the youngest, which other children showed during their visit with their knowledge of Egypt. Little researchers appear with their parents in a small room reminiscent of an Egyptian tomb, where a mummy is located, which is considered a few other items, which is more of a show for children, but the main thing is that the mummy is not real (most common question of children when they go out) . Anyone who listened carefully could complete a competitive task outside.

A little scientist and physicist longing for knowledge and fun with his father can find fun here for more than an hour or two. Many of the entertainments on display here cannot even be reached outside of specialized schools or research institutes. Some can only be read or seen in the film. A person who likes the knowledge center evaluates positively. However, a child who has succumbed to World of Warcraft or Counter Strike will have a head somewhere else. The whole center is accessible in any weather, making it one of the few attractions where it does not matter how many degrees it is.

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