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The best calculator app for Android and iPhone

Best calculator app for Android and iPhone

Top 10 apps for calculator on Android smartphones and tablets, iPhones and iPads to solve simple and scientific calculations

Sooner or later we all need a calculator and its integration into a smartphone is a plus. Whenever you need to split an invoice in a restaurant, to calculate the percentage of VAT on the price, when you do math at school, when you need to make quick calculations to avoid making mistakes, you can use the calculator app.
On both Android smartphones and tablets as on the iPhone and iPad, the calculator is already installed app (the iPhone also has a scientific calculator), but if you want a better app than the standard, let’s look here among the many, There are 10 best free calculators with different graphics, more comfortable and beautiful with tools for solving complex mathematical problems.

1) Calculator Plus

Calculator Plus (for Android and iPhone) is one of the simplest calculator apps you can use on smartphones that graphically mimic calculators from the past. You can then make quick calculations that stay in the memory and have a history. there is a lack of a scientific calculator.

2) Calculator (Google)

Google’s Calculator app, which is only available for Android, is pre-installed in Pixel smartphones and has a nice interface to easily solve simple and complex math problems and calculations. In addition to simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the scientific calculator also specializes in scientific operations such as logarithmic, trigonometric and exponential functions.

3) Calculator

Calculator Uno (Android and iPhone) is a special application because it is the “port” of the Windows 10 calculator opened by Microsoft. In practice, the same calculator Windows 10 is now available for free and without advertising as an application for Android smartphones, for iPhones, iPads. As a calculator, it is really complete and powerful, not only for solving even complex calculations, but also for inserting HEX, BIN, OCT and DEC codes, for writing functions and equations, then for converting units of measurement such as weight, energy, coins, temperature and another. This is probably the best app for using the calculator in your phone, especially for those who are used to using the same app in Windows 10.

4) Stylish CALCU Calculator

As the name of the app suggests, Elegant Calculator (for Android) is one of the best graphics calculator apps with a choice color and gesture management. Speaking of Stylish Calculator features, the app specializes in scientific calculations and basic calculations.

Stylish CALCU Calculator

5) ClevCalc

ClevCalc for Android and iPhone is a scientific calculator that displays all calculations in one line, including a loan and percentage calculator, a currency converter and unit of measure (length, weight, width, time, temperature, pressure, speed).

6) Calculator +

Calculator + is the best and most popular iPhone app, replacing Apple’s calculator, which is already installed in iOS. Among its functions we have basic calculations, scientific calculations, fractions and currency converters, writing equations, calculating degrees and radians. It also supports calculation history, dark theme, drag and drop and can also be used from Apple Watch.

7) Calculator ++

This Android app with Android calculator feature is a great app to replace the default app already installed on your phone with an interface very similar to Google’s point 2 calculator and many features. In standard mode, there are operators for simple calculations, while in engineering mode, you enter a scientific calculator with advanced functions to solve complex problems of trigonometry, logarithmic functions, and much more.

8) Financial Calculators

Android and iPhone Financial Calculators provide a range of financial calculation tools (TVMs) that are very useful for managing daily expenses, taxes, interest on loans, as well as for the implementation of even complex financial mathematical operations, such as calculating the return on investment, internal rate of return, depreciation plan and much more. Financial calculators are definitely the best calculator app for anyone working in the financial industry.

9) Photomath

PhotoMath for Android and iPhone is a popular calculator for students as it helps solve complex mathematical equations with a photo book or even a handwritten notebook.
Best of all, Photomath breaks down every math problem into simple, easy-to-understand steps and is one of them. best school apps .

ten) Other great calculator apps for Android

You can also find some other great free calculator apps in the Google Play Store that are worth a try if you’re still not happy with the ones already featured above. Among these we mention the ones with the best grades:
– Mobi calculator with a beautiful customizable graphical interface

– Mathlab graphing calculator, ideal for school

Quickey calculator, very colorful.

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